How We Work
Appointments are booked by the hour and you can make an appointment to see Dr. Monica O’Sullivan, ND for a variety of conditions, acute and chronic.
Acute conditions:
An acute condition is one that is usually brief in duration and self-limiting; that is, either the illness runs its course or the patient dies. Example’s of acute illnesses are colds, flu, ear infections, allergic reaction, food poisoning. Addressing acute symptoms typically involve hour-long appointments.
Chronic health conditions:
A chronic illness usually develops more slowly, lasts indefinitely, results in deterioration of health, and does not resolve without some sort of healing intervention. I deal with many chronic conditions such as chronic sinus and urinary tract infections, yeast and mold infections, hormonal imbalances, chronic depression, asthma, chronic fatigue, and anxiety, upper and lower gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain and headaches, and chronic skin conditions, to name a few.
Initially, our time together will be will be quite involved and will require a commitment of at least, four to six visits, depending on the condition, to allow the body to go through the healing process.
Initial Appointment (1 1/2 – 2 hours)
- EDS (Electroacupuncture according to Voll) also known as electrodermal screening, to determine the accumulated toxicity’s, nutritional and organ imbalances.
- A comprehensive and detailed plan designed especially for you, to be followed 4 to 6 weeks until your follow up an appointment.
Follow-up Appointment (1 hour)
- EDS Screening, to reassess toxicities and imbalances.
- Adjustments to your plan, to be followed by the next appointment.
Once you’ve gone through the healing process, it would most benefit you to see me either quarterly, twice, or once a year for a checkup. These are similar to the follow-up appointments described above.
What To Expect At The Initial Appointment
The first part of our appointment is an opportunity for me to get to know and understand you. What are your expectations for getting healthier? Your priorities and lifestyle choices? Your dietary choices? Your life stresses? What medications and/or supplements do you take?
Next is the EDS screening in which I check for nutritional and organ imbalances, and accumulated toxicities.
Once I have the EDS screening information, I will put together your program, which will include specific homeopathic, and/or herbal and nutritional formulas that will address your very personal needs. I may also recommend other services or tests to obtain more information about your health, so as to better address your healing process.